Cartoon about Little Pony Season 3, Episode 3. Too many Pinkie Pie. All the ponies always have a lot to do. Pinkie wants to have time to attend all the events and help all her friends. But here's the problem: Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have things to do at the same time. And then Pinkie Pie remembers a legend that will allow her to be in different places at the same time! But there are some pitfalls here. And Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash had to deal with some problem, and Pinkie realizes that you also need to have fun in moderation :) Watch this in the cartoon My Little Pony on the Friendship is Magic channel online! Subscribe to the Friendship is Magic channel so as not to miss new cartoons about Little Pony: https://www.youtube.com/c/Friendshipi... All episodes of the animated series My Little Pony: • ????Animated series Friendship is Magic! My M... Cartoons about Little Pet Shop: • ????Cartoons Little Pet Shop (Littl... Watch other interesting cartoons online: Transformers: / @transformersrussian Chuck and his friends cars: / @chuckandfriendsrussia