Does working with the elderly bring face value? Brakelmann and Adsche want to shower the silver locks with charity in exchange for cash. Worries about financial security in old age are not an issue for farmer Kurt Brakelmann and his old friend-enemy Adsche Tönnsen. They are already broke! One can only look with envy at the old people who are doing really well, men like Adsche's Uncle Krischan, a 104-year-old shaggy fellow who is well provided for by countless pensions. Looking after silver locks When Brakelmann finds out how much money the old man has to spend every month on his accommodation in a rather anti-pleasure old people's home, he starts working for the clever farmer again. Soon after, Brakelmann has the sometimes somewhat confused old man on his farm. On significantly better financial terms, Uncle Krischan can read and drink Köm to his heart's content. Self-sacrificing work with the elderly Of course, it doesn't take long before Adsche Tönnsen also gets involved in the apparently lucrative work with the elderly. For a moment, it seems as if self-sacrificing care, respect for the elderly and active charity are the key to economic success. But soon the two farmers sense that their fun-loving guests are gradually becoming the masters of the house. It is high time to join forces against the silver curls. Episode 18 / 2007 / buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de