The car relay is an electrical control switch and not a mechanical part, it controls a strong current using a weak current, and is also called by other names such as voltage regulator, relay, relay. The #relay is found in many electrical and electronic devices in addition to its presence in cars #car_relay #relay #relay It is called a relay due to its name in English Relay There are many types of car relays, the most important of which are four-pole relays and five-pole relays The most important examples of car relays We will learn about the function of each relay and the most prominent malfunctions of its damage Gasoline pump relay - Symptoms of a damaged gasoline pump relay Car ignition relay Switch - Symptoms of a damaged car switch relay Car dynamo relay - Checking the dynamo relay - Symptoms of a damaged dynamo relay We will also learn about how to check the relay, how to change it, and its mechanism of operation in a simplified way, types of car relays, and more in this video