McDonald's 0:03:37 - Flunch 0:39:47 - Restos routiers 1:15:40 ▶ ow.ly/Ome7309VFAQ Capital Restaurants under 20 euros how to treat yourself without breaking the bank ▶ Low prices, new burgers: McDonald's strikes back! To keep its number one spot as a restaurant in France, the American giant is setting up in the countryside and has launched an anti-inflation menu. ▶ Flunch: the big comeback? To attract the younger generation, the famous restaurant chain created in the 1970s has revised its menu and the atmosphere of its cafeterias. ▶ Roadside or workers' restaurants: who can beat the kings of "homemade" at low prices? Kitchen organization, negotiations with suppliers, anti-waste fight... zoom in on these brands with often unbeatable value for money.