COURSES TAUGHT BY PROF. VALDENILTON: Basic Electronics Course Level 1 and 2 Online (100% in VIDEO) https://go.hotmart.com/S90922297H?dp=1 Digital LCD/LED TV Repair Course (100% in PDF) https://technologycursos.wixsite.com/... Transformer Winding Course (100% in PDF) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-enrolamento... COURSES TAUGHT BY OTHER TEACHERS: Basic Electronics Course (with a focus on repair) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-eletronica-... Basic Electronics Course (with a general focus) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-eletronica-... Cell Phone Repair Course (version 5.0) https://hotm.art/Conserto-de-celular-top Cell Phone Repair Course Notebook Motherboard https://hotm.art/Conserto-de-placa-ma... Voltage Inverter Manufacturing and Repair Course https://hotm.art/Aprenda-a-fazer-inve... Photovoltaic Solar Energy Course https://hotm.art/Curso-energia-solar-... Complete Digital Marketing Course (from scratch) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-Marketing-D... MATERIAL TO COMPLEMENT LEARNING: WHY IS THE Y CAPACITOR ESSENTIAL IN THE LINE FILTER? • Why is the Y Capacitor Essential in the ... SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH FRIENDS: • Capacitor between grounds. Because it ... SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW: / @technologycursosoficial Introduction: Several electronic circuits bring a ceramic disc capacitor connected from one ground to the other. In this series of two videos, you will learn why the capacitor connected between the grounds is so necessary for the device to work. Definition: The capacitor is a component that performs several functions in electrical and electronic circuits, and one of them is to eliminate harmonic frequencies generated by the switching of inductive loads. When a switching power supply is in operation, the switching element of the source generates harmonic frequencies that will be introduced into the secondary circuits if they are not eliminated. Designers of switching power supplies with Flyback topology (the most common) use a Y-type ceramic disc capacitor connected between the grounds of the primary (HOT) and secondary (COLD) coils. In this way, whenever the harmonics generated by the switching element of the source tend to circulate through the ground of the primary coil, they will be captured by the ceramic disc capacitor. The same will happen in the secondary winding, where the harmonics generated by the variation of the magnetic field and that tend to circulate through the ground of the secondary coil will be captured by the ceramic disc capacitor. The capacitor between the grounds is also necessary to prevent current loops from one ground to another, which could cause catastrophic damage to the circuits. In this case, since the current flowing through the primary winding is continuous, the capacitor between the grounds will prevent a leakage current in the primary winding ground from reaching the secondary winding ground, since one of the functions of the capacitor is to prevent the passage of direct current. Another function of the capacitor between the grounds is to separate the ground of a power circuit (PGND) from the ground of a control circuit (GND). Conclusion: I hope that, by the end of this lesson, you will have learned the function of a capacitor connected between the grounds of a given circuit. Hello, I am Professor Valdenilton, Technical Coordinator of the Electronics courses taught by Technology Cursos. I love transforming people's lives through teaching. My goal is to teach people like you to repair the electronic equipment you love, helping in every way possible. INFORMATION: Our website: https://technologycursos.wix.com/tech... Business contact: [email protected] Whatsapp Center: (82) 9 8706-9200 (Only by messages or audio)