Few electrical panels require as much commitment to preventive maintenance as a capacitor bank. It's not about replacing components, but mainly checking their operation. In a panel that controls motors, if something goes wrong the motor tends not to start, and the operator notices it right away. A capacitor bank, on the other hand, doesn't usually warn when something is wrong. And the person responsible for paying the energy bill is unlikely to keep track of everything that makes up the total amount, especially the secondary amounts. Therefore, it is common to pay a fine for excess reactive consumption due to a circuit breaker that tripped, a capacitor that burned out, a contactor that locked, among other factors. That's why preventive maintenance, in this case, is so important. This video presents a step-by-step guide, a list of tasks to complete when performing preventive maintenance on the capacitor bank. To purchase Brasiltec products, visit: https://brasiltec.ind.br/ To access the playlist of the series on power factor correction here on YouTube, use the link: • It is the MINIMUM to offer a service... To access the power factor correction course, click on the link: https://universidade.brasiltec.ind.br...