After a night in Valburg, Chris gets back into his canoe in Homoet, which he spent the night with the owners of a home furnishing store. After removing slugs from his vessel, he paddles to Elst. On the way, he meets Mr. Den Hertog, who cycles with him for a while. From Elst, Maaike Meuleman, from whom we borrowed the green canoe, gets into an inflatable kayak. Suddenly, there is plenty of help; the husband of an RD colleague also drops by. A good cause is linked to Chris' boat trip. Go to rd.nl/kano to read more about it and to donate. Subscribe now to RD: http://bit.ly/abonneerRD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out one of our other series here: RD Actueel: http://bit.ly/rdactueel Scherpteverdieping: http://bit.ly/RDscherpteverdieping RDoutside: http://bit.ly/RDoutside -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the channel of the Reformatorisch Dagblad! The Reformatorisch Dagblad is a national, Christian newspaper, founded in 1971. The newspaper distinguishes itself from other newspapers by paying extensive attention to Christian and church news. There is also relatively much attention for local news. And so also on this YouTube channel. On our YouTube channel we bring personal stories and background stories to the news. But not only that, because you will also find series such as Scherpteverdieping, political items, human interest stories and music. We do all this from our Christian perspective. Subscribe to our channel for free for more news from the Christian perspective. Do you have any good ideas about topics that we can cover? We'd love to see it in the comments! Read more from the RD Website: http://bit.ly/RD-website Receive newsletter: http://bit.ly/RD-nieuwsbrief Are you following us on Instagram and Facebook? Instagram: http://bit.ly/RD-instagram Facebook: http://bit.ly/RD-facebook #RD #chrisinvollevaart #Kanoën