I finally painted the candy red wheels of my MT 09, it turned out really beautiful, the MT 09 project is going as planned hehe, I really liked the result, I also made the stripes of the tank fairings in the paint, matching the wheels. This video is a complete tutorial on how to paint the candy red wheels of the MT 09 and also the step by step on how to make stripes in the candy red paint with matte varnish. I hope this candy painting step by step helped you and also the disassembly of the MT 09, Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel, it helps a lot. Thanks for the support, TMJ!!! Custom Paintings? ???? Call on Instagram direct! My painting shop: DZ CUSTOM @dzcustom_oficial / dzcustom_oficial ???? Follow me on Instagram! @cristopherdiniz / cristopherdiniz Call on Direct to ask questions. PARTNER CHANNELS DAN SILVA - PLANNED PURCHASE: / @dansilvacompraplanejada DANIEL DA HORNET: / @danieldahornetofc PATRICK DINIZ: / @patrickdiniz6845