Actress Hiro Komura is 58 years old. At the age of 19, she was selected as the runner-up for the Clarion Girl and made her film debut at the age of 20. Furthermore, at the age of 22, she played the heroine in the NHK morning drama series, and quickly became a popular actress. Although she has been active in a wide range of fields including dramas, movies, and stage plays, she is now taking a break from acting to fight cancer, which has recurred several times. In an interview with TBS Entertainment Information Station, she spoke about her cancer treatment and its side effects. ▼TBS NEWS DIG Official Website https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/ ▼Please subscribe to our channel! / @tbsnewsdig ▼Information provided by "TBS Insiders" https://www.tbs.co.jp/news_sp/tbs-ins... ▼Video provided by "TBS Scoop Post" https://www.tbs.co.jp/news_sp/toukou... #HiroKomura #FightingCancer #newsdig