Actor Komura Hiro asks Hiromi, who has triple-negative breast cancer, about her current condition, including brain and bone metastases. We will bring you the latest information on the ever-advancing cancer treatment. We hope that this will be helpful for you to improve your patient capabilities. ◇Hiromi's profile◇ Teddy bear artist: Shimada Hiromi Brand name: Happy Happy Collector. ★Hiromi's Instagram★ Account @happyhappycollector -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [My experience with triple-negative breast cancer, Part 1] Published 2022/11/18 • [Battle against cancer] [Part 1] The size of the lump increased in one month?! Triple-negative breast cancer... [Triple-negative breast cancer experience, Part 2] Published 18/11/2022 • [Fighting cancer] [Experience] [Part 2] "I just want to live" Triple-negative breast cancer... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◇Actor Komura Hiro◇ In January 2012, cervical cancer (stage IB1) was discovered during a chance medical checkup. In March 2012, she underwent a radical hysterectomy. In May 2013, she developed lymphedema as a complication. She is still undergoing treatment. In March 2017, five years after the surgery, her cervical cancer recurred. She successfully underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In November of the same year, metastases to the lungs, lymph nodes, etc. were found, and the cancer recurred a third time. She underwent chemotherapy from January 2018 to January 2019. She is under observation for her advanced and recurrent cancer. January 2023: Recurrence (recurrent recurrence) in the abdominal para-aortic lymph nodes is found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In August 2015, the lymphedema information exchange website "Siesta" was launched. Exchange meetings were also started. In October 2019, the "General Incorporated Association HIRAKU People-Friendly Project" was established and became its representative director. In January 2023, the name was changed to "General Incorporated Association HIRAKU Coexistence with Cancer and Lymphedema". The association is engaged in activities to support people living with cancer and lymphedema. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◇SNS・Blog・Website◇ ★Book [The moment to let go] https://amzn.asia/d/dpnmlnN ・Hiro Komura's blog "Glossy and spacious" https://ameblo.jp/komurahiro/ ・Facebook / hirokomura1988 ・Instagram / hiro_komura ・HIRAKU General Incorporated Association: Coexisting with Cancer and Lymphedema https://hiraku-project.com ・Hiro Komura official Web site https://komurahiro.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Hiro Komura#Triple Negative Breast Cancer#Stage 4