In this video, I talk about the real practice of revoking a residence permit: which cases have retained their residence permits, which are currently under review, as well as cases whose residence permits have been revoked (and, alas, there are more). And I answer two questions: should we panic and does an appeal make sense? Subscribe to our chats and channels in Telegram if you are planning to get or have already received a digital nomad residence permit in Spain: 1) Main chat for nomads: https://t.me//chatfornomads 2) Channel with up-to-date information on the procedure for obtaining a residence permit: https://t.me//digitalnomadspain 3) Tax chat: https://t.me//taxesnomadspain 4) Alexandra's channel about life hacks for life in Spain and adaptation: https://t.me//digitalnomadespanol Time codes: 00:00:01 Greeting 00:00:38 Real cases that received notifications 00:01:11 Cases that managed to keep their residence permit 00:04:42 Cases that are currently under review 00:06:17 Cases that had their residence permits cancelled 00:13:47 Case of a nomad in hiring (!), who received a notice of cancellation 00:17:00 Should I panic? 00:18:25 Why am I a bad marketer? =DDD 00:21:24 Does it make sense to file an appeal? 00:29:12 Results