Can an insurance company deny life insurance if the insured is late in paying the premium? Simply being late in paying the premium does not authorize the insurance company to deny life insurance compensation or cancel the insurance. The insured must be notified in advance. In life insurance, the insured pays the monthly premium payment, which is called the premium. In the event of the insured's death, the insurer must pay the amount stipulated in the contract, which is called the insured capital or compensation. This payment must be made to the insured's beneficiaries. This is the main coverage in life insurance. But what if the insured is late in paying the premium and dies? Can the insurer deny compensation to the beneficiaries? And if the insured does not die, can the insurer cancel the contract if the insured is late? See the answers in this video. Thank you! Segurado Seguro – www.seguradoseguro.com.br Sandro Raymundo – www.srshadvogados.com.br