I would like to remind you that this is a conversation that proposes looking at some things in a different way and that mainly criticizes the lack of debate! At no time am I invalidating something that someone feels or fights for! MY GLASSES ARE FROM LAHTREF AND HAVE A DISCOUNT COUPON USING JU10 or at the link https://lahtref.com.br/discount/JU10 CATARSE GROUP one month one country book club with monthly movie theater and monthly meeting + news letters https://catarse.me/juelivros primaveramagic (MARATHON): • books that are the face of spring + ... my writings: / juandbooks the 24 challenges for 2024: https://maratona.app/m/desafios2024 link to the marathon app from #invernoelivros https://maratona.app/m/invernoelivros... ju and classicos group: https://t.me/joinchat/P0HeVjTdGlEwOGNh Want to help my channel without paying anything other than your purchase? Buy anything on Amazon with my link: https://amzn.to/3dnOmvi My Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com.br/hz/wishlist... Want access to free ebooks and audiobooks? Subscribe to EVERAND and get two months free with my link https://pt.scribd.com/g/9d23ce LINK FOR A MONTH OF MUBI (films and documentaries from different countries) FREE: https://mubi.com/t/web/global/ML_jEJPy social networks follow me elsewhere too: instagram juandbooks / juandbooks threads juandbooks tiktok juelivros / juelivros email for contact: [email protected] letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/jubattastini/ skoob https://www.skoob.com.br/perfil/juand... PO BOX: Julia Altenhofen Battastini, PO BOX N 5011 FLORIANOPOLIS - SC, 88035-972