For decades, the Rhine was considered the "largest sewer in Europe". A third of Cologne's tap water now comes from the Rhine, and in Düsseldorf it's as much as 75 percent. But how good is the water from the Rhine near Cologne and how good is its reputation today? Quarks reporter Marlis Schaum wants to find out in Cologne how people rate the quality of the Rhine water and whether they are prepared to drink a sip of freshly drawn water. We also meet Dr. Harald Rahm from the NRW Water Monitoring Service, who shows us how the tap water from the Rhine is examined. Incidentally, our tap water is the most strictly controlled foodstuff - more strictly controlled than the water we can buy in the supermarket. Authors: Axel Bach, Krischan Dietmaier --- Thanks for watching! Did you like the video? Then subscribe now to the only official Quarks channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/Quarks?sub_co... Quarks on Facebook: / quarks.de Visit also: https://www.quarks.de #Quarks on Instagram: / quarks.de / beautyquarks Here you can find the clip in the WDR media library: https://www1.wdr.de/mediathek/video/s... #Rhein #Trinkwasser