???? Pregnancy tests, whether you take them at home with urine or in a clinic with a blood test, detect the “pregnancy hormone”, that is, the hCG hormone. ???? Any pregnancy test can give you a false result, both false positive and false negative. It will surely be very useful to know why these wrong results occur and how to avoid them! ???? The main cause of false negatives is taking the pregnancy test too soon. The desire to know whether or not you are pregnant can make you fall into temptation, but taking the test before your period is late will lead to a result that you cannot trust. ???? False positives are rarer, but a positive result may occur without pregnancy or without it developing correctly (ectopic pregnancy, anembryonic pregnancy, etc.) ???? If you want more information on the subject, you can visit the following article https://www.reproduccionasistida.org/... OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS ???????? ???? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/reproduc... ????Twitter: / reproduction ???? Instagram: / reproasistida ???? LinkedIn: / reproduction-asistida-org ???? Facebook: / reproductionasistida ???? Web: https://www.reproduccionasistida.org/ Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:15 How do pregnancy tests work? 1:33 Types of pregnancy tests 2:59 False negative result 4:10 When to take a pregnancy test? 5:20 False positive result 6:43 Pregnancy test after IVF 7:19 False positive after AI or IVF 7:54 False positive after miscarriage ????????⚕️ The information provided on Assisted Reproduction ORG is intended to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician.