Have you ever wondered if you can build using your neighbor's wall, if you can open a window on the boundary, and similar questions like these? I get a lot of questions about this topic and I wanted to bring it up in a #chatwithJane to help you! This video will help you avoid serious mistakes about building on the boundary and ensure that you don't have serious disagreements with your neighbors, as well as mistakes that could prevent you from regularizing your space. Get your project quote remotely with us: https://www.reambientandodoseujeito.c... ▷00:00 Introduction ▷00:33 Can you use your neighbor's wall? ▷02:05 Building against the boundary ▷03:02 Don't cause problems for your neighbor ▷03:44 Importance of flashings (or gutters) ▷07:43 Can you open windows onto your neighbor's land? Other videos you might like: WORK Series: 2 in 1 apartment • WORK Series: Renovation of 2 apartments ... 9 apartments on narrow land • 9 APARTMENTS ON NARROW LAND Follow our social networks: ▷ / reambientandodoseujeito ▷https://www.facebook.com.br/Reambient... ▷https://t.me/Reambientandodoseujeito ▷ / reambientandodoseujeito ▷ / janewillhelm REAMBIENTANDO DO SEU JEITO channel with architect Jane Willhelm, for those who like architecture, decoration and want to build to live off the income. We are specialists in small spaces, and here you will find projects and tips for both construction properties for rent and to live in, as well as interior architecture/decoration for you to get inspired and make your home even cooler. The project presented here is copyrighted. #papocomJane #construçãonadivisa #murodovizinho