????If you want to know more about endometriosis, we recommend visiting this link: https://www.reproduccionasistida.org/... ????Dr. Pascual Sánchez (learn more about the doctor at this link https://www.reproduccionasistida.org/...) medical director of Ginemed talks to us in the following video about implantation failures and endometriosis. ????Endometriosis is a fairly common disease in women of reproductive age and is also linked to fertility problems. ????Approximately 30% to 50% of patients with endometriosis are infertile or have some problem achieving a natural pregnancy. ????Assisted reproduction has greatly helped these women achieve a pregnancy with endometriosis, especially techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and egg donation. OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS ???????? ???? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/reproduc... ????Twitter: / reproduccion ???? Instagram: / reproasistida ???? LinkedIn: / reproduccion-asistida-org ???? Facebook: / reproduccionasistida ???? Web: https://www.reproduccionasistida.org/ ????????⚕️ The information provided on Assisted Reproduction ORG has been raised to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/visitor to this website and his/her doctor.