Nelson is a pedophile activist who fights for more understanding and freedom for children. After the ban on the pedophile association Martijn, it is almost impossible to be open about pedophilia, according to Nelson. More from Danny? Check https://www.npostart.nl/danny-ghosen/... #DannyOpStraat #NPO2 Are people with these feelings even allowed to talk about this? Or advocate for more tolerance? That is why Nelson wants to set up a political party to, among other things, lower the age at which a minor may have sex voluntarily. He says he absolutely does not want to break the law until then. Danny Ghosen reports in a journalistic manner on problems and tensions in the Netherlands in places or with groups that are usually difficult to access. Danny invests in those involved, approaches people with an open mind and does not shy away when it becomes threatening. In this way, he knows how to expose what the problems are and where they come from. More from the NTR? Follow us on: YouTube: / @omroepntr NPO Start: https://www.npostart.nl/ Instagram: / omroepntr Facebook: / ntromroep