Become a member of this channel and get benefits: / @diariodemotochileiro1 Do you want to take part in the trip in real time? http://www.apoia.se/diariodemotochileiro By being part of Apoia.se you can be part of the group on Telegram where I post in advance the videos that will go to the channel and I will also post photos and videos of the trip in real time and you can talk directly with me and even arrange to meet if I pass by your city. Are the videos valuable to you and do you want to contribute to the continuity of the channel? You can send a contribution via PIX: [email protected] Supporters: Carlos Beviláqua Marcio Alves Fábio Ivan Borchardt Manoel Calixto Da Silva Neto Itamar Oliveira You can also buy the documentaries I produced during my trip to the USA. They are similar to the ones on the channel, but with a different soundtrack, more appropriate to the moment, with previously unreleased scenes and new editing. Available on DVD or Download. Contact me by email: [email protected]