Hello, I hope you like the video, it is not perfect but I think it will serve as a guide for someone looking to create something similar, the manufacture of the bed has been a long and tedious process although I have enjoyed it a lot, the wood is worked very well and if you know more, I got the original idea from a French builder in a video and I adapted it to my van and the measurements that I wanted, a very important thing is to have good materials either the wood itself since a piece of furniture in a moving vehicle with the shaking, potholes, etc. has to withstand much more the weight that is put on it and be clear how to anchor it, I have made everything in 15 mm laminate except the base which are two 6mm sheets, or 12mm and the bottom which is 6 with a pine wood finish to give it strength and to be able to screw the slats of the bed base, the first thing is to make the base, always with plenty of room before the final cuts so that the piece make it as tight as possible, test, measure and cut, with shape protractors that are sold on the internet or in large stores, a good jigsaw with a special saw for phenolics and a router and cutters for wood and everything will be perfect. As I said first the base and once the measurement is made, leave marked the holes where it will be anchored to the van, it is easy with tape and a meter, the distance between screws is measured and the measurements are transferred, and it is to the millimeter, I recommend leaving a slightly larger hole so that it fits more easily later, the next thing is to make the bottom and the sides, it is important to adapt the bottom to the shape of the van, panels and central rib so that it is not completely stuck but very close, so to speak the base does stop but the bottom goes up straight at 90º so it does not have strange shapes, the sides, one is straight 60-40 and the other from the bottom rib, one with two holes for the grips and the bottom with an opening to pick up things, all marked with a ruler and compass and cut and profiled, differentiated spaces for use, cut the wooden boards making the most of them since they are not free, I looked in large stores in Madrid and I I went to where they were cheaper and also to a store in my town where they had end caps and covers in the packages of boards themselves, so it came out a little cheaper, 3 different spaces without a specific measurement, adapting to the shape of the van, the wheel arch, from there one to the bottom and another small one to the door, you have to measure very well and be clear about what each fixed and mobile part does and its parts, that's why the jar eat, the fixed has to be very well leveled on the outsides and in the separations of the boxes so that the movable rod where the movable slats are screwed is very very fine, if not you have to take out, cut, go over ... tedious ... as I say in the video, I make this piece, which is the most important of the furniture set with a eucalyptus strip and more or less it stays square of 25-25 mm and 1.90, well sanded and milled so that it slides well, so that it doesn't friction, that it is not super tight, otherwise it would be difficult to open and close the bed, it rests on some supports inside on the sides and on the upper part of the separations of the drawers, walls, the front although when it is cut it is very thin at the margins, it must be taken into account that it is reinforced later, I wanted to make it very low for height reasons since I do not have a lifting roof and I am tall, I did it to the millimeter, 38.5 and then I rectified so that the measurements fit me, my intention was always for the drawers to be at least 30 cm high so the furniture was approx 40 at the end and 40 and at the movable finish, this is two parts, one integrated in one piece and another in three parts to take advantage of the wood plus the upper finish that gives it quite a bit of strength. once everything was in place, well glued, re-glued and reviewed, I made the slats, this... they left me a circular cutting table but it cut badly so I went to the store in my town and they cut them perfectly, I pictured everything very well, they needed two slats for the side trim but I bought some of the scraps they had and finished them, screwing it in was a gift in the end, first a through hole with a very fine drill bit and without making a stop so that the screws grip well and flared so they don't stick out, it is important to say that ALL the slats are not glued, only screwed on so if they break they are easily replaced, you have to check that it opens and closes well, that it does not cause too much resistance, if not it has to be reviewed. the drawers as in the video, EVERYTHING at 90º so that it fits and if the furniture is not at 90, wedges are made so that the rails adapt, I did trial and error in the end magnetic ones which I think are the best option, and to finish a good varnish or paint to give it the touch and make it last,