#CamilPetrescu #TurnuldeFildes #TeatruRadiofonic #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani Please support us to continue this project and to listen to new recordings that you cannot find on youtube with the great Romanian actors on / theater Hello? Hello, editorial? Yes aunty! Is that really you, Gelule? Gelule, please have dinner with us today! I can't, aunt, I can't! Please, please, come. Paul would be happy too; leave those socialists for an hour, so they won't lose you! Cast: George Constantin, Dan Condurache, Adela Mărculescu, Ion Pavlescu, Anca Neculce, George Oprina, Constantin Fugaşin, Ruxandra Sireteanu, Aurelian Napu, Aurelian Georgescu