???? Location: Saint Remy de Provence - France ???????? Course Camarguaise is a traditional French sport that reflects the rich cultural mosaic of the Camargue region. Unlike Spanish bullfighting, it is a bloodless contest where participants, called “raseteurs,” aim to skillfully remove a rosette from the head of a bull, called a “cocardier.” The sport, deeply rooted in the heritage of Provence and Languedoc, is not only a test of agility and courage, but also a celebration of the bull, which is unharmed and often becomes a beloved local hero. The events are festive, with the community gathering in arenas to cheer on the raseteurs and honor the strength and grace of the bulls. The Fédération Française de Course Camarguaise oversees these events, ensuring that they preserve the tradition and spirit of the Camargue. ************************************************************** #️⃣ #feriadenimes #feriadenimes2019 #abrivado #bull #gardia #bleuetblanc #coursecamarguaise #perneslesfontaines #arenas #blancetnoir #camargue #bull #raseteurs #bullandtraseteur #passion #shareyouraccount #votivefestival #votivefestival #aiguesmortes #otaiguesmortes #votivefestivalaiguesmortes2021 #bull #bulls #camarguaisecourse #abrivado #bandidos #saintremydeprovence ******************************************************************* ???? Filmed in high quality 1080HD, on August 15, 2021 Activate optional subtitles [CC] in English (United Kingdom) and in French to follow the comments. ************************************************************** ???? Learn more about Saint Remy de Provence: Saint Remy de Provence: Tourist office https://www.alpillesenprovence.com/de... Saint Remy de Provence website https://www.mairie-saintremydeprovenc... ***************************************************************** ???? Subscribe! If you like my videos, give them a like ???? and subscribe to the Mes escapades channel. @norbertbouzigues ????️ Instagram: / bouziguesnorbert