Since this is my first time doing a cambang, I kept worrying about how I should draw the thumbnail. After worrying for 5 hours, this is what the final completed thumbnail looks like. Oh man, if it was going to be like this, I should've just made it roughly from the beginning and gone to bed early. What is this? I feel like I've lost out for nothing. Ugh... Anyway! I will decide whether to continue or stop doing cambangs in the future after considering the number of likes, views, and reactions of this video. Do you know what I mean? If you want to see more of me doing cambangs, then like this video. Aaaah!!! #Pokemon #ScarletViolet #Non-PartyFire #Fire #PokemonCam #ZuranFace #ZuranCam #PokemonSuperLegend #SuperLegendaryPokemon #RegulationG #PokemonSuperLegend #Pokemon #ActualBattle #PokemonGeneration9 #PokemonScarletViolet #PokemonActualBattle #SpecialFire #ZuranFace #Face #PokemonActualBattle #PokemonRankBattle #RankBattle #PokemonRankBattle #MasterBall #pokemon