In this video, I teach step by step how to calculate the dimensions of an isolated footing with centered load. The deductions of the formulas that allow calculating the length and width of the footing base are made and the criteria of NBR 6118:2014 for the footing to be considered rigid are presented, that is, the minimum value that its height must have. In addition, I teach how to check the safety against concrete rupture. According to item of NBR 6118:2014, there is no physical possibility of puncture in rigid footings, however, the safety against rupture by diagonal compression of the concrete must be checked. This verification is taught in the video To consolidate the concepts presented, an exercise was solved at the end of the video. Also watch: ►►Calculation of the reinforcement of a footing using the strut method: • Calculation of the reinforcement of a footing (... ►►Calculation of the reinforcement of a footing using the CEB-70 method: • Calculation of the reinforcement of a footing (... Playlist with all my videos about reinforced concrete: • Concrete ►►Spreadsheets for calculating footings: https://bit.ly/PacoteDeSapatas Download for free: ???? Spreadsheet for calculating concrete inputs: https://bit.ly/InsumosDoConcreto ???? E-Book on embedding in lattice slabs: https://bit.ly/E-Book-Engaste-Laje-Tr... ►►Courses I recommend: https://linktr.ee/Cursos_Estruturas ►►Spreadsheets for structural calculation: https://linktr.ee/Planilhas_Estruturas ►►Complete package of spreadsheets for calculating structures: https://bit.ly/Pacote-Completo-Estrut... See the summaries that we make available on our social networks: Facebook: / eng.estruturas Instagram: @engenhariaestruturas Partners: -Engenharia Civil Classificados Website: https://engenhariacivilclassificados.... Facebook: / engenhariacivilclassificados #footing #foundations #concrete #reinforcedconcrete #centeredfooting #centeredload #nbr6118 #structures #nbr6122 #geotechnics #foundation #spreadsheet #work #construction #two-story #engineering #civilengineering #foundationfooting #two-storyfooting #flexiblefooting #punching