It's that time again!???? At the end of every year, I write a summary of my book year. In this case, there are the numbers for my 2024!???? I like to philosophize about my results, draw conclusions, make comparisons with previous years and reasons, and open my eyes to the facts. I will answer the following questions today: 1. How many books did I read in 2024? 2. How many books did I buy in 2024? 3. How many of the new books are still unread? 4. How many of my new purchases in 2024 have I already read? 5. How many books have I read from my old SuB? I'm going to take another look at my goals for 2024 and check them once I've achieved them.???? I'll show you an insight into my visual representations in my book journal and look with you at how they have developed over the course of a year.???? And last but not least, I'M CHANGING MY LIGHTBOX WITH MY OMNIPRESENT SUB-STAND TO THE NEW YEAR 2025!???????????? I hope you enjoy my numbers video about my book year 2024! I would be delighted if you like it, subscribe, and of course leave me comments.???????????? Here are my goals for 2025: • How was 24 for 2024? New goals/ new... Here are my numbers summary for 2023: • 2023 in numbers/ We take stock! Kr... UNPAID ADVERTISING DUE TO BRAND RECOGNITION! #booktube #numbersvideo #numbersreümee #yearinreview #booksyear2024 #yearinreview2024 #calculatingwithbooks