Calculate slope angle, slope angle of a function, slope, derivative, angle, arctan, slope of a function, angle, slope angle, geometry, derivative, angle, slope, percent, degrees, tangent, arctangent, derivative rules, conversion, slope of a function explanation, slope explanation, introduction to slope of a function, slope of a function introduction, example slope of a function, calculation of slope function, calculate slope, calculate slope of a function, slope angle of a function, angle of a function, slope angle, derivative, derivation, differential calculus, differentiation, derivative rules, constant rule, power rule, factor rule, differential quotient, difference quotient, increase of a function, math, tutoring, math tutoring, learning aid, learning video, explanatory video, free, free of charge, online, learn, repeat, matrix, matrices, upper secondary school, middle school, high school, high school, math four-hour exam, exams, preparation, high school preparation, simple, quick, explained, linear Algebra, University, College, High School ----------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION The slope angle of a function is calculated using the arctangent. To do this, you insert the value of the derivative at a point (the point, i.e. the x-value, at which you want to determine the slope angle) into the arctan function and calculate the result. It is important to set the calculator to DEG. The arctangent function can also often be found on the calculator, i.e. tan^-1 So: 1. Determine the derivative (value of the derivative) at the desired point. 2. Insert the result of 1. (value of the derivative at a point) into the arctan function. ----------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 0:00 What is the slope angle? 2:04 Example calculation 4:05 Result ----------------------------------------- YOUTUBE If you liked the video, I would be pleased if you subscribe to Mister Mathe! ----------------------------------------- INSTAGRAM @Mister.Mathe ----------------------------------------- #SlopeAngle, #Slope, #CalculatingSlope #Function, #CalculatingSlope, #SlopeAngle, #Derivative, #Derivative, #DifferentialCalculus, #Differentiation, #DerivativeRules, #ConstantRule, #PowerRule, #FactorRule, #DifferentialQuotient, #DifferenceQuotient, #Increase