Second part of a documentary on the tactical history of the insurgent barricade in Europe from 1569 to 1900 The barricade is an object full of symbolism, with a complex and little-known history. This documentary, in two parts, aims to travel through the ages to understand how it worked, what made it successful and what made it unsuccessful. In this part, we will discuss what founded the tactical power of the barricade, and then look at the adaptations of power and armed forces to better counter them. This will lead us to see the evolution of the barricade in its decline, as well as the transformation of its symbolism, which is increasingly political. To do this, we will be accompanied by extracts from the letter of Charles Jeanne, an insurgent in 1830 and 1832, in which he explains to his sister how the barricades he knew worked. Sources (for both parts): -The insurgent Barricade, Mark Traugott -At five o'clock we'll all be dead! On the Saint-Merry barricade, June 5-6, 1832, Charles Jeanne, Thomas Bouchet (ed.) -The Barricade reversed, History of a photograph, Olivier Ihl -https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv... -https://books.openedition.org/irhis/1... -https://bibliotheques-specialisees.pa... -https://books.openedition.org/psorbon... -https://histoire-image.org/fr/etudes/... -http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/pulsar... -France from 1815 to 1848, Jean-Claude Caron -https://journals.openedition.org/dias... -https://books.openedition.org/irhis/1153 -Barricades and Boulevards: Material transformations of Paris, 1795-1871, Carl Douglas -https://www.persee.fr/doc/rbph_0035-0... -https://journals.openedition.org/rh19... Romantic Paris: the poor and their neighborhoods, Éric Hazan -https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv... -http://www.repubblicaromana-1849.it/i... -https://comitatogianicolo.it/assedioi... -https://comitatogianicolo.it/divise/u... -https://www.cairn.info/loadimg.php?FI... -https://vapausystavyystasaarvo.wordpr... -http://eman-archives.org/FLIM/viewer/... -The National Guard, 1789-1872, Roger Dupuy Notes: -To get an idea of the barricaded uprisings, I refer you to this video • Map appendix: The insurgent Barricades... -The mass iconography used respects as much as possible the eras and regions we are talking about. But sometimes, it happens that, to better illustrate the subject, we have agreed to show images associated with another historical event. -Each of the uprisings treated is necessarily done so in a succinct manner in view of the political and social complexity of the different eras. -The movements of Marmont's troops in 1830 are sometimes imprecise. So do not take the passages through certain streets as a given (I am thinking in particular of the column that left for the Marché des Innocents which visibly retreated to the South and then followed the Seine). That being said, the column that makes its impressive detour, that's good. -Potentially other remarks to come, I have to get back into it. / surlechampde. . / surlechampfr https://fr.tipeee.com/sur_le_champ Original music composed by Julien Théron Logo designed by Camille Sanchez.