The cost of living in Germany varies widely depending on the city you choose to live in. Compared to other European countries, the cost of living in Germany is not very high. In Germany, you have much more than your salary to spare. In areas such as housing, food, transportation, clothing and social activities, the cost of living in cities like Berlin is even lower than the average of other major European capitals. Food prices are among the lowest in Europe and the world. Buying real estate is relatively easy for doctors. Having a job in this sector brings solvency and security for banks. In addition, the real estate market in Germany has always been a very stable market. Buying your house or apartment with interest rates between 0.5 - 1.6% with a 20-year loan has its advantages. The German government subsidizes your real estate investments with tax reductions, so you get back part of the taxes you have paid with your work as a doctor. Well thought-out investments in this sector can be a good foundation for your financial independence, a good estate or an additional column for your retirement. It is always important to be well informed before making any type of investment because each investment has its risk. ???? If you want more information on how to #WorkAsAsADoctorInGermany sign up for my next webinar at this link https://bit.ly/3mD9NKA ???? Download my free guide on the 5 steps to working in Germany as a Doctor on the fast track! https://angiebru.com/regalo/ ???? Follow us on Instagram / trabajarenaalemania ???? Facebook / anyeli.bru ???? Visit our website https://www.angiebru.com