Subject: LETTUCE - trends, prospects, threats Expert: Piotr Pietrzak, Enza Zaden Presenter: Anna Wilczyńska Is the production of lettuce under cover and in the ground increasing in Poland? How does our market compare to the largest producers in Europe. What are the current breeding trends? What problems have occurred in lettuce cultivation over the past two years? Ladies and Gentlemen, It is worth remembering that one of the basic methods of preventing downy mildew is the selection of resistant varieties for cultivation! When producing leafy vegetables for the fresh market, the so-called shelf-life is very important, i.e. extending the shelf life in trade. What steps is Enza No. taking in this matter? Prospects for growing lettuce in hydroponics. Will this segment develop in Poland? What varieties of lettuce are producers focusing on this season? We invite you to listen to our expert's statement.