ep.3 Butlers' Hobbies VLOG Claw Machine Butler Nuna and I visited Menami Jojo, our favorite place! We don't usually stick to one type, but we often do other types and then go back and do them again, so I showed you the pictures in the order we took them (in the order we did them) during our visit~😻 #MenamiJojo #GachaShop #Gacha #Goods #IchibanKuji #Kuji #KuromiKuji #Sanrio #Pokemon #PokemonGacha #CatButler #ClawMachine #Hobby #BiniruThreeSiblings #Cat #CatDaily #Bag #Envelope #BagLegs #CatThreeSiblings #Kid #FormerStrayCat #Daily #CAT #Daily #vlog #binirucat #binirucatz