In this video, I share my advice for understanding a solid business plan and discovering the essential financial and support assistance to launch your business. Whether you are a future entrepreneur or want to deepen your knowledge, I explain how to prepare a clear and structured project, and where to find the available assistance. ✨ ???? Useful resources: Guide to aid available in France: les-aides.fr CCI platform for business creation (business plan): business-builder.cci.fr Crowd funding: https://fr.ulule.com ARCE aid for business creators (France Travail): ARCE France Travail CPF-eligible training: moncompteformation.gouv.fr Training available at the CCI Loiret: cci.fr BGE: https://www.bge.asso.fr ???? Also join me on Instagram to follow my adventure: @artephe_paris Don't hesitate to like ????, comment ???? and subscribe ???? if you want more content on entrepreneurship and follow the opening of my Artéphé store! #BusinessCreation #BusinessPlan #Entrepreneurship #FinancialAid #ARCE #CCITraining #CPF #Artephé #OrléansEntrepreneur #FranceWork #PersonalDevelopment #StartUpFrance