How did the love story and acquaintance between Amjad and Bushra begin? After a scary animal appeared in the forest, what did the couple do to escape the situation? Do they regret their decision to travel? How did Amjad and Bushra decide to enter the world of content creation? What are the details of Amjad's mother's dream, and why were its details influential to Bushra? #Amjad_and_Bushra_Family #Amjad_Bushra #Agheed_Hadeel Join us: https://bit.ly/3ILwQxS Visit us on: https://www.akhbaralaan.net http://www.alaan.tv Follow us on AlAanTV ➨▌ / alaantv ▌ Akhbar AlAan ➨▌ / akhbaralaan ▌ Twitter AlAanTV ➨▌ / alaantv ▌ Akhbar AlAan ➨▌ / akhbar ▌