Another interesting knife BUSHCRAFT THORN from BeaverKnife. I liked it more than CANADA SPECIAL, which I did not understand • Honest review of the BEAVER KNIFE TTX knife THORN https://beaverknife.ru/thorn #knife #beaverknife #thorn ______________________________________________ What is useful to know? The videos on this channel are mainly devoted to bushcraft and life in the wild. Bushcraft is a systematic set of techniques, skills, crafts, as well as the philosophy of such a life. This is not necessarily survival and extreme, although such a section is also here. This knowledge can be useful for outdoor recreation, tourists, hunters, fishermen, everyone who willingly or unwillingly ended up in wild places. That is, bushcraft is not the activity itself such as tourism, but only the skills for it. ************************************************* COLLABORATION and ADVERTISING [email protected] VKontakte group https://vk.com/public193781378 / kaltakhchyan Instagram https://vk.com/id74399400 VK my personal page / alexandr.kaltakhchyan Facebook