Burnish bolts spending little and obtaining an acceptable result... Before starting, I recommend safety!!! Protective glasses, mask and gloves, even if I'm not wearing them in the video! To be done outdoors, in a suitable place that you can dirty in case a few drops of oil fall! Necessary material: Protective glasses, mask, welding gloves, used oil, torch, lighter, metal container, pliers or parrot, small bowl to put the burnished pieces, rag.... procedure: Put on the protections, pour the used oil into the metal container, light the torch, take the bolt with the parrot or pliers, heat it (if galvanized, remove the galvanization) for about 50 seconds, turn off the torch and immerse the bolt in the oil for about 20 seconds... take the bolt out of the oil and place it in the bowl... once cooled, give it a good clean with the rag... Good work!!!!