Their careers couldn't be more different and both of them enjoyed the excitement of their work. We talked about their beginnings in Ostrava and Šumperk and their entry into the big world in their fields. One went as far as the National Theatre and left, the other went to CNN headquarters and left too. We discussed life during normalization in Czechoslovakia and life after the revolution. Why one signed Nekloky vět and the other didn't decide to emigrate. About family, father, desire to return to America and their mutual relationships, which went through turbulence that corresponded to their personalities. It was interesting that they disagree on many things, but they have absolutely the same opinions on politics and we were looking for a reason why that is. Kecy a politika is a podcast by commentator Bohumil Pečinka and Petros Michopoulos, a man who has been involved in marketing and politics for a quarter of a century. Contemporary politics through the eyes of two different personalities who are not afraid to express their opinions. An incorrect podcast that puts things into context and strictly separates empty bullshit from real politics. Become a member of the Kecy & politika group on Facebook: / kecyapolitika Petros Michopulos' Instagram: / petrosmichopulos Bohumil Pečinka's Instagram: / bohumilpecinka Instagram Kecy a politika: / kecy_a_politika TikTok Kecy a politika: / kecy_a_politika