The Imerina Palace has existed since ancient times. The palaces built in Imerina on the 12 mountains in the six Imerina regions are not government buildings or royal residences like in other regions or tribes, according to the explanation of the Treasurer of the Royal Dignity of Madagascar at the Imerina Palace in Ankazomalaza Antananamasina Ambohimanga Rova, Prince Robert Randrianantoandro. First, the Merina royal dignity is preserved there and there are also those from other tribes, which is why it is called the repository of the royal dignity of Madagascar and not just the Merina tribe. It is also different from the buildings found in the region in that it is separate from the State Palace and is not managed by the king but by his parents, his elder brothers and his father and mother and the people of the cause. The lands were confiscated during the colonial era and all the buildings in Imerina were completely burned down during the monarchy. However, there are some that have been returned to later generations, including the Ankazomalaza Antananamasina. However, this was expected when Radama first reigned, and it was then that the sacred objects were saved from being lost. The Imerina Ankazomalaza Antananamasina building has also been the place where the sovereignty of the land, the state, and the people has been celebrated since the monarchy. It has been held publicly since 2018, and everyone knows that this practice has been carried out secretly since the burning of the building, which is the “Andro Fandroana”. The gathering of tribal chiefs, a mix of the Lonak and Soyabe, Tangalamena and Kazomanga chiefs and kings from 22 tribes across the island, could not have taken place without the construction of the building in Imerina. It was a construction that also asked for their blessings. The building thus symbolizes the strengthening of peace, unity and mutual respect.