Regardless of whether you are building a prefabricated house or a solid house, you should know these hard truths about house building from the start. Because when building a house, there are no second attempts. You think about a lot of things on paper beforehand and then have to live with the consequences on the construction site and in the house. #newbuilding #housebuilding #prefabricated house #solid house Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:17 Personal responsibility 02:17 Murphy's Law 03:24 Changes on the construction site 04:07 Offer review 05:49 Model homes 07:47 Annual vacation 09:21 Regional providers 10:54 Contract optimization 13:14 Put everything in writing 14:52 Construction site inspection 17:14 Closing words You still haven't had enough? Then take a look at @abetterplace_architekten, there is a new floor plan show here every Sunday! / @abetterplace_architekten ????Social media from Fertighausexperte: Website: https://www.fertighausexperte.com Instagram: / fertighausexperte Facebook: / fertighausexperte-1605563563081390 Exchange with other builders: / 1253770641443177 ????Social media from Flo: Instagram: / flo.vom.bauherrenforum TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@flovombauherr... ????About us: Fertighausexperte checks the most important documents and papers that you will encounter during the construction of your house. For example, offers, work contracts and construction service descriptions. We are also happy to help you choose a provider and find the right funding. The most important thing comes last: shell construction inspections and supervised house acceptances. For us, this is a must for every house build, it will always be worth it!☺️ Here you can find our career and references: https://www.fertighausexperte.com/ueb...