In this video we will cover in great detail and clearly how to assemble a symmetrical source for use in Amplifiers. ATTENTION - The source capacitors must always have a working voltage GREATER than the total voltage rectified by the diodes of the rectifier bridge. How so? To calculate the rectified output voltage of the transformers, simply write down the AC output voltage of the transformer and multiply it by 1.4142. Example: Transformer with 24 v AC output (can be 24 + 24VAC) Multiply 24 X 1.4142 = 33.9VDC That is, if the DC voltage goes to 33.9v, use capacitors with a working voltage of 50V or more. Capacitance can vary from 4,700uF to 10,000uf, this will depend on the application or type of Amplifier to be used in the source. Have fun!