In Buddhism, the body, speech, and mind of the body are the three karmas. The three of them are the body, speech, and mind. Among them, killing is taking someone else's life. If you know the truth of Buddhism, the karma of the secular world is different, and the leather bag that covers it is different, but the mind is equal. Because you don't know that truth, you treat the life of an animal as worthless and kill it, and you should refrain from doing so. Also, don't steal, and don't commit adultery. Let's find out with Monk Myoheo. #MonkMyoheo #Causality #Killing ●Please support BTN YouTube. https://btn.co.kr/youtube/cms.html (Click on the link and apply for membership) ●Subscribe to BTN Buddhist TV YouTube https://bit.ly/3k5nt10 (Click on the link and click the subscribe button!)