/ vitdavid / vitezydavid The Budapest Agglomeration Railway Strategy (BAVS) is a document defining comprehensive, long-term goals and the necessary developments for the development of suburban fixed-track transport affecting the capital city and its agglomeration, i.e. MÁV suburban railway lines and HÉV lines , which places the role of railways and HÉVs in the life of Budapest and its region on new foundations. The Strategy aims to increase the number of people traveling on suburban railway lines by 80% through the implementation of comprehensive and interdependent, complex investments lasting until 2040, thereby reducing the environmental, health and economic burden of car traffic on Budapest. The Strategy contains a detailed action plan and line-by-line development plans. The documents of the strategy can be found at www.budapestvasut2040.hu, where all stakeholders can express their opinions and make suggestions using a detailed questionnaire. The social consultation of the Strategy, which is starting now, precedes the Government's decision, so we still have the opportunity to incorporate the received opinions before adopting the document. Watch the video and tell us your opinion!