BTHG crash course with the SFBB (1/4): An overview of the reform of integration assistance Target group: This video is primarily aimed at specialists from the Berlin Youth Participation Services. At the same time, the video addresses other actors in the BTHG, specialists in integration assistance and youth welfare and interested people and hopes to provide exciting insights. Content of the video: This video is part of a four-part video series on the legal perspective of the BTHG, which was primarily developed for the target group of the Youth Participation Services in Berlin. The four explanatory videos are increasingly specific. This first video provides an overview of the most important changes to the BTHG. It begins by describing the need for the change in the law. This is followed by a presentation of the structure and the main innovations of the SGB IX. Finally, examples are given of which provisions of the UN CRPD can be found in the SGB IX. *Hearing-impaired people are cordially invited to request the text version of the video from the responsible training officer. Responsible training officer including contact details: If you have any questions, the responsible training officer Joy Sobiech can be reached at [email protected]. Website: www.sfbb.berlin-brandenburg.de #BTHG #Eingliederungshilfe #SFBB #Kinderhilfe #Jugendhilfe