Easy recipe that saves us time for breakfast or afternoon snack... CAXAMBU-BAKER BROA Ingredients 2 whole eggs 3 tablespoons (soup) or 135g of butter or margarine 1 and a half cups or 265g of sugar 2 cups or 250g of cornmeal 2cups or 250g of wheat flour 1tbsp or 15g of cake yeast 1tbsp or 5g of fennel +or-90ml of milk (until done) For brushing, use egg yolk Greased pan and sprinkled with cornmeal Oven preheated to 180° for +or-40 minutes PREPARATION METHOD *Watch the video until the end..... #broadefubá #broademilho #broadpadaria ???? And take the opportunity to follow me on Instagram: / cookingcomaly. . ???? Also like the Facebook page: / cookingcomaly. .