Want to know more about the British Shorthair, this cat with an irresistible charm and a strong character? This video will show you everything about this adorable breed: its origins, its appearance, its character, its needs and its care. ========= Keywords: British Shorthair Cat Cat breed Character Adoption Breeder Advice Health Food Games Cute cat Training Adorable cat Affectionate cat Playful cat Calm cat Independent cat Robust cat Indoor cat Family cat Hypoallergenic cat Short-haired cat Tags: #britishshorthair #cat #breed #kitten #character #catadoption #breeder #animals #pet #food #catgames #cattraining #adorablecat #netiba #playfulcat #calmcat #independentcat #chatrobuste #indoorcat #familycat #hypoallergeniccat #shorthaircat