He is the internet's hit, the rising influencer of recent years, today I welcome the incredible @bruninzor. There were few who made me laugh as much in a chat as he did. Just watch. Follow him on social media: @brino Host: @raficomedy Direction: @matheuspatricio Editing: @doreiki Production: @dromedario.etc ---------- Insult me too on: IG @rafinhabastos TWITTER @rafinhabastos Ps: I know there are a lot of people who demand that the chats be longer like on Flow Podcast, Podpah, PodDelas, Inteligência LTDA, Irombergcast, Venus Podcast, Ticaracaticast, Podihhcast and A Deriva, but the idea here is a direct, real chat, without messing around that you can enjoy in one go. Without having to cancel your daily commitments to watch.