Chrome OS is Google's Linux-based operating system for the famous Chrome Books, and even though it's only for Books, there's still the possibility of a Flex version designed for an average, low-resource PC. ‣ Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/de... ‣ Networks For PROs ✔ ↳ Instagram: https://bit.ly/TecnoZet ↳ Twitter: https://bit.ly/TwitterTecnoZet ↳ TikTok: https://bit.ly/TikTokTecnoZet ‣ Socialize ???? ↳ Telegram Channel: https://bit.ly/TecnoZetChannel ↳ Telegram Group: https://bit.ly/TecnoZetTelegram ‣ Little Projects ❤ ↳ ZetBench: / @zetbench ↳ Twitch: https://bit.ly/TwTecnoZet1 ↳ Website: https://tecnozet.blogspot.com/ ‣ Donations: ↳ Memberships: https://bit.ly/3iqA3Jf ↳ Mercado Pago ($50): https://bit.ly/MPPAG50 ‣ Do you need a collaboration? ↳ ONLY COMPANIES! ↳ [email protected] #TecnoZet #ChromeOS