During the summer of 1976, a small group claiming to be part of the Red Brigades created a real psychosis in the Grenoble region. Three young people, Christian, Muriel and Olga, were kidnapped and a ransom was demanded. Soon, the bodies of Muriel and Christian were found. In an attempt to save Olga, the police released a recording of the voice of the group's spokesperson. A police officer recognized his brother-in-law. #truecrime #investigations #fela ???? Subscribe to Faites entrer l'accused: / @fela-officielle ???? Welcome to the official channel of Faites entrer l'accused (FELA). The show, created in 2000, is broadcast on RMC Story, every Sunday evening. Each episode retraces one of the major French criminal cases judged since the 1950s: the Grégory case, the Christian Ranucci case, the assassination of Judge Michel,... The episodes are presented by Christophe Hondelatte, then by Frédérique Lantieri, followed by Rachid M'Barki and since September 2023 by Christophe Delay. Dominique Rizet is the regular columnist of the show. ???? A production 17 June