Bring back the memory of what brings you hope-Pr.Telmo Martinello ABBA PAI CHURCH Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3NIDOpR ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- The Abba Pai Church faith community is not just a place or a structure. We are a family that is growing in grace and as a family, we love, serve and have patience with each other. In his kindness, God has called us to live the Christian life together, as our love and care for one another reflects God's actions. We wish that several qualities mark our family of faith: love, joy, holiness, unity and many others. However, we like to summarize all of these desirable qualities in a single word: healthy. This expression gives us the idea of a body that is alive and grows as it should. This body may even have problems or some difficulties, but it is moving forward. And it does this because the Word of God is what guides us. A healthy church, then, is not a perfect, flawless church. We are a family where each member, new or old, mature or immature, unites around the wonderful good news of the Word of God. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- LEARN MORE ABOUT ABBA PAI CHURCH PROJECTS: VIVIANE AND TELMO MARTINELLO: Couple of pastors who are in charge of the Ministry of Abba Pai Church. Youtube channel for Viviane: https://bit.ly/3nELW0i Instagram for Viviane: https://bit.ly/3R3DZzf Instagram for Telmo: https://bit.ly/3yHeRqS ABBA MUSIC: Official seal of Abba Pai Church of musical releases. Youtube: https://bit.ly/3yFQdGW Instagram: https://bit.ly/3OSjun8 ABBA KIDS TV: Abba Pai Church's children's channel, with diverse learning and entertainment content for children aged 0 to 12 (launched in brief): Youtube: https://bit.ly/3ODusx0 Instagram: https://bit.ly/3ajq0EF ABBA PAI CHURCH SPANISH: Abba Pai Church channel with content available in Spanish. Youtube: https://bit.ly/3R5UM4D ESCOLA THEOLOGICA RAÍZES: Abba Pai Church project with the purpose of promoting an environment suitable for academic investigation and theological reflection. Youtube: https://bit.ly/3nAtHsz Instagram: https://bit.ly/3OLFQac ABBA SCHOOL: Early Childhood Education School with principles and values Instagram: https://bit.ly/3OLLYzo CASA DE ISABEL: Comunidade/ Course platform for women Website: https://bit.ly/3agHKRd Instagram: https://bit.ly/2WAdVhB ABBA PAI STORE: Official Abba Pai Church store and all profits go towards missions Instagram: https:// bit.ly/3yCpB9R ABBA COFFE: Cafeteria attached to Abba Pai Church in Criciúma Instagram: https://bit.ly/3uL5LXN ABBA SOCIAL: Abba Social Projects House Instagram: https://bit.ly/3yEw5Vv OCCUPY: Space of the seven arts within the Abba Pai Church. Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Rbk2GL LIVING GROUPS: Abba Pai Church social groups. Instagram: https://bit.ly/3ukzYg4 IMMERSION ABBA PAI: Group of young people aged 18 and over. Instagram: https://bit.ly/3OJu9ko TEENS ABBA PAI: Group of teenagers aged 11 to 17. Instagram: https://bit.ly/3y89j6Y AWAKE ABBA FATHER: Prayer Vigil Instagram: https://bit.ly/3ApDY2n ABBA FATHER COUPLES: Couples School Instagram school: https://bit.ly/3R5urDI Instagram Lane and Dirceu Nolla: https://bit.ly/3acMS8Z LIBRAS ABBA PAI: Sign language interpretations: https://bit.ly/3yG3xv6 MULHERES ABBA PAI: Ministry of women Instagram: https://bit.ly/3afxt7U ABBA PAI BAZAR: Charitable clothing bazaar Instagram: https://bit.ly/3nCR1WP ATALAIA ABBA PAI: Ministry responsible for the logistics of cars in the parking lot Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Am7KoL INCLUDE ABBA PAI CHURCH: Project of inclusion of children with syndromes and autism in children's ministry Instagram: https://bit.ly/3NIFVdw ABBA PAI CHURCH CHOIR: Abba Pai Church choir. Instagram: https://bit.ly/3R5xNXk HUNDREDTH SHEEP: Ministry of prayer. Instagram: https://bit.ly/3afA0yW --------------------------------------- ---------------- ▷ CONTRIBUTE TO OUR SOCIAL WORKS AND MISSIONS ► https://bit.ly/30q67SZ PIX Key Telephone: 48996713399 PIX Key CNPJ: 24.648.980/0001-00 BANCO DO BRASIL Agency: 3420-7 Current Account: 252025-7 ABBA PAI CHURCH 24.648.980/0001-00 CASH Agency: 2979 Operation: 003 Current Account: 1794-2 ABBA PAI CHURCH 24.648.980/0001-00 #TelmoMartinello # VivianeMartinello #AbbaPaiChurch