If you don't want to go to the trouble of making fresh red cabbage yourself, you can also refine ready-made red cabbage. This way, canned red cabbage tastes like it's homemade! The recipe for red cabbage - https://wp.me/p9uHGX-33y #rotkohl #blaukraut _______________________________________________________ If you liked my video, then just subscribe to my channel. If you also activate the bell, you won't miss any more of my videos in the future. ???????? Link to my websites: Gastronomie Geflüster - http://www.hoga-pr.de Meiers Kochtipps website - https://www.meierskochtipps.de/ Imprint - http://www.hoga-pr.de/impressum Other pages: Instagram - / meiers_kochtipps Directed and produced by: Markus Meier / Meiers Kochtipps Thank you for watching! __________________________________________________________ SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS Don't want to miss any of my cooking videos? Subscribe - http://www.meierskochtipps.de/abonnieren *By clicking on these links you support my YouTube channel when you make a purchase. It doesn't cost you any more! Affiliate link My equipment on Amazon* https://www.meierskochtipps.de/shop