Louis Rigaudière, head of communications for Ligne Droite. #politics #media #france #lignedroite Ligne Droite is an independent show. Ligne Droite refuses all advertising resources and only survives thanks to its listeners. Help us remain free and independent by making your donations online here: https://bit.ly/SoutenirLigneDroite Follow us on: Twitter: https://bit.ly/TwitterLigneDroite Our website: https://bit.ly/ArchivesLigneDroite Facebook: https://bit.ly/FacebookLigneDroite LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/LinkedInLigneDroite Instagram: https://bit.ly/InstagramLigneDroite TikTok: https://bit.ly/TikTokLigneDroite And find all our videos at this address: https://bit.ly/odyseeLigneDroite To listen to us on FM: Paris and Île-de-France: 95.6 and DAB+ Caen: 100.6 Chartres: 104.5 Cherbourg: 87.8 Le Havre: 101.1 Le Mans: 98.8 A show hosted by Maud Koffler, Liselotte Dutreuil and Marie Falicon Director: Franck and Arnaud Audio production: Franck Journalists and programming: Adèle Rosner, Maud Koffler, Liselotte Dutreuil and Marie Falicon Digital communication: Louis For everyone's comfort, we ask that you remain courteous in your comments. #LigneDroite