"SIXTEEN" is a survival-style audition program for 16 female trainees from JYP Entertainment that aired in 2015 on the Korean cable TV channel Mnet. The nine successful candidates formed the girl group TWICE, whose name was decided before the program began. The three Japanese members are Mina (Hyogo), Sana (Osaka), and Momo (Kyoto). The success of this multinational group prompted JYPark to move on to his original plan of forming an idol group made up entirely of foreign (Japanese) nationalities as his next step. NiziU was formed this year as part of the audition program "Nizi Project," which selects nine debut members from 10,000 participants. [A dream that will make you cry] 7 SIXTEEN dropouts ~The path walked by those other than TWICE~ • [A dream that will make you cry] 7 SIXTEEN dropouts ~The path walked by those other than TWICE~ [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE MINA ~2021/03/24 Happy 24th Birthday~ • [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE MINA ~2021/03/24 Hap... [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE MOMO • [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE MOMO [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE SANA • [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE SANA [Re-upload] [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE JIHYO • [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE JIHYO [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE TZUYU • [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE TZUYU [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE DAHYUN • [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE DAHYUN [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE JEONGYEON ~Suspension of activities on 18/08/2021~ • [A dream that will make you cry] TWICE JEONGYEON ~Suspension of activities on 08/18/2021~ [A dream that will make you cry] A Japanese person who was inspired by TWICE's Misamo and made his dream come true • [A dream that will make you cry] A Japanese person who was inspired by TWICE's Misamo and made his dream come true